Stacks update: PHP 7.0 no longer supported

Wodby blog
Published in
1 min readSep 28, 2018


Minor updates have been released for PHP-based stacks, the most significant change is that we no longer support PHP 7.0

PHP’s issue with Alpine 3.7

We’ve identified the issue with PHP’s mail function when sent to multiple recipients in busybox (Alpine 3.7) As the solution we upgraded all PHP images to the latest stable Alpine 3.8 with an updated busybox, however PHP 7.0 build fails with SSL errors docker-library/php#702 (comment).

Why drop PHP 7.0?

Considering this issue and PHP 7.0’s current state in “security fixes only” with EOL in 2 months, as well as there, are no significant barriers for upgrading to PHP 7.1 (compared to 5.x > 7.x) we decided to drop PHP 7.0

Links to detailed changelogs

Our docker4x projects now have short URL aliases for documentation,

